Our Commitment

Alpenglow Apparel is proud to serve a community of educated and eco-conscious individuals who care about what they wear and where it comes from. 

We believe it's possible to do good business without trashing the environment. We accomplish this by printing on 100% certified organic cotton and other sustainable fabrics like bamboo and hemp with non-toxic inks. We back up our claims and continue to improve our practices through our participation in the Missoula Sustainable Business Council "Strive Towards Sustainability" program. We're glad you're considering printing your message or design with us. You'll find that our reasonable prices make the Earth-friendly choice an attainable goal for you and your business.

We have experienced tremendous support from the Missoula community and we're giving back with great discounts for Non-Profits, fellow SBC members, and other local groups. Just find us on our Alpenglow Facebook or join our monthly mailing to stay current on our special deals.

Here, we are building a collection of what we feel to be some of the most compelling reasons to choose organic cotton, hemp, recycled cotton, or bamboo over environmentally & socially destructive conventional cotton.

"Conventionally grown cotton consumes approximately 25% of the Insecticides and more than 10% of the pesticides used in the world. 
AND "Conventional farming devours roughly a third of a pound of pesticides and fertilizers to produce enough cotton for a single T-shirt." source: All About Organic Cotton